Sunday, August 2, 2015

Missionary Moments 8-2-15

Thursday afternoon I was giving a tour in the Cultural Hall. A couple about my age came in and started asking earnest questions. The 10-minute tour turned into 45 minutes. I arranged to have them come to Rendezvous to watch me perform, and the young sister missionary serving with me arranged for prime seats at the pageant for them.

We didn't know if they would come or not, and I didn't know if I could get out of the second Rendezvous performance to take them to the pageant. Somehow the Lord worked it all out. The house manager got them excellent seats, and they came! I ran into all the right people who could do my parts for me on the second show.

I went to the pageant with my new friends. The young sister missionaries reserved us some great seats and met us afterward to talk about the pageant. The couple loved it, and I asked them if they would like a Book of Mormon. They were very excited to have one! As we walked back to our cars we encounter a number of protestors, and I was so glad I was with them.

It's such a thrill to share my convictions with someone and invited them to discover the good news of the gospel for themselves! Like these beautiful water lilies on the Mississippi River, their faith is blossoming, and I will continue to pray for them!

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