Sunday, January 24, 2016

Done at Last!!! 1-24-16

Hooray!! IT'S FINISHED!!! Friday night Elder Apperson and I finally finished all the post production work on the Rendezvous recording! One of the things that helped us most was remembering my Dad's analogy of resetting broken bones: If you try it too many times to make it perfect, it causes a lot of scar tissue, whereas if you just set it once and let the body work with it, it eventually perfects itself.

It was a lot of work, but it actually came together remarkably fast because we had so much help from the Lord. We made four different recordings - one for the cast, one for pianists, one for people doing vignettes, and one called a show track (all my kids know what that is!). Anyway, there are 50 different tracks on the four recordings, so it was a big project!

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